Health Care Reviews

Friday, 16 January 2009

Thinning Hair

You can blame it to your parents! Both men and women have the tendency to experience thinning hair because of genetic cause. Men may completely turn to baldness but for women, instead of withdrawing at the forehead, women would normally experience their hair to thin out consistently all over the head. Women should be thankful than men because the condition may be less perceptible at first, there is no presence of bald patches. Nevertheless women should not be consoled too much since hair loss is more persistent among women. In fact, in four women, one will definitely experience what science named as female-pattern hair loss.

Hair loss is not only detected through the thinning hair rather it can be accompanied by other condition like discomfort, itching or redness of the scalp. Some may also be attributed by a drastic change in the overall health of the patient. The moment when one or a combination of these symptoms occurs, consulting a doctor is the best step to take. Keep in mind that hair way fall down on extremely fast rate, you surely don't want to wait for the time when the complication worsen that you find it very hard to even go out of your own house without a cap. Moreover, sickness like diabetes and thyroid deficiency can also be one of the culprits for thinning hair among men and women.

Suffering from thinning hair should not give you emotional burden, comfort yourself with the thought that there are number of options that you can take to treat the problem, you can either opt for prescription medicine or those that are not. However, you should realize that there isn't any treatment that is available on the market these days that is potent enough to offer rapid result for hair growth and probably, there will never be one. Remember that hair grows tremendously slow; therefore even the booming treatment will need some time for result to be seen.

To give hope during the waiting stage, you can make use of natural remedies for hair loss which include the saw palmetto. In addition, propecia, avodart, rogaine, and proxiphen are other medication that you can use. Still you should first consult your doctor if these drugs are appropriate for you and you should also know its side effects so you will know how to properly act in case spiteful chemical reaction occurs along the way. You should also consider first how much money you can spare because these hair loss substances can have a huge range in price depending upon the brand and the chemicals involved. Some of these products had undergone clinical trial, it is best for look for this kind.

Are there preventive means that one can take to prevent thinning hair later in life? Most doctors would advice to go against using tight hairstyles and rollers, do not also overindulge on curling tongs. If you are taking vitamin A and other antidepressant drugs, they are also among the reasons of hair loss.

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