Health Care Reviews

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Natural Bodybuilding - The Way to Build a Great Body

Professional bodybuilding has gotten a bad rap in some places for steroids, but this is a shame because natural bodybuilding is the way to go from the amateurs to the semi-pros to some of the best professional bodybuilders in the world. Natural bodybuilding is using a smart natural diet heavy in both proteins and carbs, and using that diet in conjunction with special weightlifting routines designed at really working out related groups of muscles together. Instead of doing one set of chest exercises on three different days, you want to do multiple chest exercises at once on one day, then work out other parts of the body on other days, rotating as appropriate.

Natural bodybuilding is the best way to get healthy and build a great looking physique while not having to worry about the negative health effects of steroids and other unnatural supplements that could be hazardous for your health. Natural bodybuilding is wildly popular on every level of bodybuilding, and should be the route that every individual takes in trying to work out in order to get into better shape and build up a more impressive physique.

The most important thing to remember when trying to bulk up through natural bodybuilding is that hard work and a lot of food. The right type of natural bodybuilding workout to bulk up is one that involves heavier weight and less reps while combining that with a healthy diet that is loaded in protein and carbs to put on more muscle mass. The right foods are needed to provide the fuel and calories your body needs to build muscle mass. Great free weight exercises combined with the right diet are best.

No matter how fancy the machines look, natural bodybuilders know that despite what the yelling TV commercials say, nothing can beat the resistance training that comes from using free weights of all kinds. A huge array of exercises can be used with free weights, and some can even be combined for maximum effectiveness, like pushups that also use dumbbells to do triceps extensions at the end.

The next focus with natural bodybuilding is to exercise specific muscle groups together. Many popular exercises with natural bodybuilding not only include free weights like dumbbells and barbells, but also push ups, sit ups, pull ups, lunges, body weight squats, and other similar exercises. These natural bodybuilding workout sessions can last an hour or slightly more, and are often performed up to 4 times a week for maximum results. The carbs and protein are important for energy, calories to turn into muscle, and with protein to rebuild the muscles after all these heavy workouts.

This hard core workout can help people shed away the fat and put some heavy muscle getting into some great natural bodybuilding workouts. The best part of working out this way, the natural way, is that you don't have to worry about the unhealthy and potentially fatal side effects that can come from unnatural supplements.

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7 Tips For Recovery From Triathlon Training & Racing

1) Static stretching.

What is static stretching? This is when one holds a stretch for a few seconds. Ideally you want to hold it for 20 seconds to a minute at a time. It is important to do this at the end of a work out to maintain flexibility as often muscles tend to tighten up after workouts. Keeping flexible may help you go faster in the long run as you are able to have more range of motion. Stretching may even prevent some soreness.

It is also important to note that static stretching should be done at the end and not the beginning of a workout as it relaxes the muscle and lengthens it to the point ware doing exercise on it may create an injury and is less likely to respond the way you desire.

2) Message.

Oh yes they feel good and help to keep your muscles to be nice and relaxed. They are a great way to keep the blood flow going in your legs which will in turn may help you recover quicker. Top professional athletes in many types of sports get messages daily. To quote Napoleon Dynamite "LUCKY!"

3) Recovery rides and or swims.

recovery rides and swims are a great way to aid recovery. In order to keep joints flexible we must move. Why is this? Are joints are not lubricated via the blood stream rather they are lubricated through are lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is not pumped through are body by the heart but by human inertia or movement. This now why more and more Dr.s are telling people to move as mush as possible when then have a sore back or other areas of pain.

Recovery rides and swims also raise your heart rate. (It is important to keep you heart rate way down in these work outs. Zone 1 is what you want.) This slight elevation in heart rate will help get a little more blood in out of your muscles thus the theory is you speed recovery. I have found this seems to be effective for the athletes I train.

4) Sleep.

Sleep rocks. It is when you mind and body have time to rest and recover, probably the most. This is also when your body releases quite allot of human growth hormone. In order to maximize this stay away from eating carbohydrates 2 hour before sleep as this will inhibit the body from releasing human growth hormone. Human Growth hormone has been indicated in many studies to play a large role in helping one recover and build muscle.

How many hours of sleep you need varies from person to person. Michale Jordan all through his playing days only slept for 3 hours a night. Most people need 7-9. Consistency is key in sleeping too. Going to bed and getting up at the same time is useful in feeling the most energy when arising.

4) Meditation.

YEAH BABY! I Love meditating. I do this almost every day. After doing one of these sessions I feel fresh alert and ready to go. It teaches you to let go and relax your mind. I find it to better than a nap as I feel sharper.

5) elevate your legs.

Elevating ones legs after a work can help too. I have employed this tactic and find it works for me and the athletes I train. The idea is to drain your legs. According to one of Joe Friels books for every hour you train keep them elevated for 5 minutes. Thus 3 hours= 15 minutes of elevation.

lie flat on your back and keep them up above the rest of your body. Propped on a wall or stability ball works well.

6) Compression socks.

This is a new one but I believe it has some merit. Often after a hard day of training I find that my ankles and lower shin can look swollen and feel stiffer. Compression socks have helped with this for me. I ware them after I train.

I'm also employ the socks while traveling and this has helped in keeping swelling to a minimum. I Know some pros are doing this and I'm sure some of you triathletes out there have seen some people out there sporting these knee high socks in races. I have yet to break them out for that as I believe it will take me to long to put them on in transition and I want my legs to breath.

7) Nutrition

Nutrition is also huge. There are many great resources on nutrition. The body needs all the proper nutrients in order to heal and recover efficiently. Thus one needs to have a well balanced diet. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables!

That's all folks, Much peace & love to you all

Kerry Sullivan is a certified USAT, USACII, CSCS, NLP Practitioner

He coaches triathletes and races competitively. He is in the process of becoming a pro triathlete Kerry has a blog and is often sought out for optimization in triathlon on both physical and mental aspects.

For more info go to

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How to Eliminate Lower Body Movement in Golf

You might think that to eliminate lower body movement in golf is somewhat of an anachronism to good golfers, yet instability in the lower body can lead to a loss of control in the muscles of the lower back, the hips and the knees. Your lower body is the base from which your most powerful shots are made, and you don't want it wobbling about!

There are many muscles used in a golf swing, from the feet to the neck, and each must play its part in ensuring that your swing is not only effective, bit consistent for shot after shot. This involves good control of all parts of your body, and lower body movement is not necessarily a good thing even though lower body muscles and joints are used in your swing.

In fact, the lower body is of extreme importance in your golf swing because that is where most of it originates. Your upper body is all show: it is the lower body that does the work. There was a time when most golf exercises concentrated on building up the muscles in your shoulders, chest and arms, but is now recognized that these have only a small part to play in the swings of the better golfers, whether they are simply good amateurs or top tour professionals.

Golf exercise and training is now more of a science than it ever was before, and it is science that dictates which muscles and joints are responsible for each element of your swing. Stability of your lower body during your swing is just as essential as is the rotational strength and speed of your abdominal and lower back muscles that provide the power. Each of these can only be developed by the adoption of exercises designed to develop the flexibility and strength in your upper body and abdomen that enable you to keep your body static throughout your swing up to the point of the follow through.

Each muscle group should be able to rotate and move independently. You do not want your whole lower body moving when the rotation should start and end at your waist, with only the necessary movement of your legs and feet. You have to keep a stable base that your spine and upper body can coil against, ready to unleash all that potential energy in one explosive rotational movement.

If you can keep your lower body stable, you will tend to rotate it along with your upper body, or to lock your right knee to keep you from moving excessively, or even falling over! Your feet should keep contact with the ground while your upper body pivots at the waist, and for this you need a degree of leg strength that will only come from exercise designed to promote it. You can do this using closed-chain exercises that involve your feet being in contact with the floor while you carry out twisting exercises.

For example, take a golf club and hold it with both arms over your shoulders. Keeping your feet, legs and the rest of your lower body absolutely still, twist to one side and hold for about three second. Then do the same to the other side. Start with three of four repetitions and build up to about a dozen. This will not only strengthen the muscles you use to rotate your body, but will also do so without any lower body movement.

You can to the same thing while sitting on a chair with a weight held out in front of you. What this type of exercise does is to train your body to twist your upper body without moving below the waist, and also to build up flexibility and strength in the joints and muscles you use to achieve that.

The elimination of lower body movement in your swing will enable you to use your energy during the downswing where it is most needed. After the strike you can then transfer that energy farther down to your hips and legs in a full follow through. However, complete lack of movement up until the point of strike is essential for a grooved swing with maximum power.

The way to eliminate lower body movement in golf is to train using exercise routines designed to strengthen the muscles you use in your swing, and maintain a stable base. There are many ways in which to achieve that, though the important factor is that you must have a stable base from which to swing.

If you are looking for more ways to improve your game, you can get some excellent free golf video tips at

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How to Cut Fat From Your Body - Bodybuilding Shows You How to Lose Weight Fast

Trimming excess body fat is something that will work no matter who you are. Put in the work, follow this guide, and you will find out for yourself that you can burn fat just as well as any professional bodybuilder can.

The most important aspect of nutrition associated with burning fat and loosing weight is the post workout meal. There is nothing more important to your body, after doing exercise, than getting good nutrition and proper rest.

Here are some of the main tricks bodybuilders use:
  1. Eat your carbs at breakfast (so you've got energy for the day, and your workouts)
  2. Eat your carbs after workout (to restore glycogen levels, and prevent the body breaking down muscles for fuel)
  3. Post workout meal should include 40-50 grams of whey protein, and double that in carbohydrates. (Post workout meal is the most important time to feed your body what it needs to build and maintain muscle, and keep the body in an anabolic state)
  4. Protein - Eat it, lots of it. It's going to keep you full, and keep your body in a high metabolic state breaking it down.
  5. Fats - Yes, you need to consume fats, in order to burn fats. Use fats from salmon, olive oil, nuts and flaxseed. These are called Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)
  6. Separate your nutrients. An interesting thought is often that you should separate your nutrients. i.e. Eat proteins and fats together, but not fats with carbs. (The spike in insulin levels when you eat carbs will facilitate the storage of fats, so eat your fats, with your proteins to be sure)
  7. Supplements - Glutamine helps prevent muscle break down while cutting. About 10g / day should do it. Take before workout (cardio) but not after weights as there's plenty in the whey shakes.
  8. Cheat on your diet. Yep, it's essential. Remember that your body wants to achieve a state of balance, and when it gets it, you'll stop achieving your gains. So go for it about once a week on some cheesecake or a couple of mars bars like you know you want to!
  9. Cardio exercise should be done regularly on any fat loss routine. Keep the exercises to about 15-30 mins, and INTENSE. The idea is to burn fat AFTER the workout, not during. Stimulate your metabolism by aiming to go further / faster than your previous workout. Interval training is best.
  10. Ten Tips? hmmm... The best motivator for cutting fat for most people is a mirror. Take some before photos, stick it on the mirror and watch your body change as you work toward your goals.

Go for it, you can do it!

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How to Get Rid of Blackheads-6 Tips That Help

Even people who do not have the misfortune of getting acne or pimples sometimes had to deal with black heads. How to get rid of black heads is a question that gets asked a lot. Depending on your skin tone and your situation there can be a lot of different answers but generally there are a few tips you can follow regardless of your skin condition that will help you eliminate black heads.

Black heads do not discriminate based on age; you can get blackheads as an adolescent as well as an adult. Unfortunately, this can be a continual problem that few people know how to deal with. Here are some 6 tips will help you with your question of how to get rid of black heads.

1. Change your pillow case as often as possible, oil can build up on your pillow and while you are sleeping can get on your face. If you remember to change your pillow case once every night or every two to three days this will help alleviate any issues if you have a black heads.

2. When you're taking a shower close all the doors and turn the shower water on as hot as you possibly can stand it. The steam will help open up the pores and can loosen the black head. This can also be accomplished by buying a facial steamer which is specifically made to open up facial pores.

3. Wash your face twice daily, any more than that and you run the risk of replacing the oil on your face that is caused by your skin drying out. Always make sure that you wash before you go to bed with a gentle soap.

4. Try to avoid eating any junk food, although it's never been proven that certain foods will cause acne and blackheads certain foods will increase the probability that you will get acne and blackheads. There is no hard and fast rule about what you should eat but it if you stay away from the junk food and eat a healthy diet you'll be less prone to blackheads.

5. After washing your face make sure this use of clean towel to dry your face off. A previously used towel may contain oil and dirt and will only worsen the symptoms. After washing your face the last thing you want to do is replace it with oil and dirt and changing towels on a daily basis will help with this.

6. Pay close attention to the areas that you can get the most blackheads and make sure that you watch or treat them little more thoroughly. One of the areas that people generally don't pay much attention to when getting blackheads is their nose, your nose can be one of the most infected areas simply cleanse it thoroughly.

Getting rid of blackheads can sometimes seem impossible but if you follow these tips it should help. You just read six tips that can help you with your question how to get rid of blackheads.

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The Body Building Diet

So you have the dream of getting a bodybuilder's physique? It's a goal that can definitely be reached, but to do so you'll need to make some definite adjustments to your eating habits. However, to get that solid body building body you'll want to make sure that you go about it in the most healthful way.

Do I Have to Diet?

The word "diet" can inspire fear and dread in anyone. There's a sense of deprival and a fear of failure that can accompany it. However, your first step toward success is to realize that a bodybuilding diet is not a typical diet. Instead, what you're actually doing is adjusting your food choices to allow your muscles to develop the definition that you're looking for.

So What Should I Eat?

Any positive eating habit results in a balanced choice of food, but for bodybuilding, you will want to tweak how much you eat of each food group. Ideally, you will want a diet that is approximately 40% proteins, 40%carbs, and 20% good fats. Depending on whether you're looking to drop pounds or bulk up, you'll want to adjust your total amount of calories for the day.

Aren't Carbs Bad?

No, carbohydrates aren't bad, in fact, they account for a great source of energy, but choosing the right type of carb is essential. You will want to stick with more complex carbohydrates that slowly release into your system. Broccoli, green beans, brown rice, and oatmeal are great choices! You don't want to indulge in lots of simple sugars.

What About the Other 60%?

The other 60% of your diet is to be made up of 40% protein and 20% good fats. Proteins are what help all of your tissues build and grow. Great sources of protein are poultry, fish, and lean red meats. The good fats that you're looking for are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated sources. Light oils like extra virgin olive oil are an ideal choice

So Which Bodybuilding Diet is For Me?

Are you a beginning bodybuilder or an advanced lifter? Determining your skill level will quickly point you in the right direction for yourself. Beginner body builders will want to ease into a new eating program. If you're a more advanced bodybuilder, you may need to make some simple changes to your plan to help you gain the extra bulk that you're looking for.

Is the Body Building Diet right for you? There many diets out there, but this particular diet is the only one that is focused towards giving you a body builders physique.

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Total Body Load

Total body load is the phrase used to describe a principle that relate to factors that bring stress onto the body that lead to an overload on the body which results in illnesses.

Total body load is one of the most important body healing principles, the principle is the key to beating and recovering from all illnesses. Any illness or disease is cure by nature not doctors, all a good doctor can do is to reduce the body load to allow nature to run its course and cure. Unfortunately, most doctors these days rely too much on modern drugs which only add to the biological burden placed upon the body which makes things worst not better, as intended.

The human being, as with all living creatures, has regulatory mechanisms which defend the body from illnesses, diseases and harm. The skin protects the body from dehydration and temperature variations, poison waste is eliminated from the body by the kidneys, the immune system defends the body from micro-organisms, the liver detoxifies the body from health damaging chemicals and acid-base balance within the body is kept regulated by other factors within the body.

Every second, every minute, every day, the bodys regulatory mechanisms are working to keep the body healthy and we generally feel good and fine. Health problems tend to occur when the bodys health defenses become overworked and symptoms appear, by this stage the bodys defenses have been breached and problems can become serious quiet quickly.

The overloading of the bodys systems is very serious and health problems will occur. The metaphor image that is commonly used to illustrate the overload phenomenon is that of an overflowing barrel. Envisage the barrel being the bodys ability to cope with all the stresses of modern day living, the more stresses added to the barrel the more it gets full, until one day it overflows and produces symptoms which are related to diseases and illnesses. There are a number of factors or combination of factors that can lead to the barrel overflowing and producing illnesses and diseases such as cancer, heart disease, ulcers and mental breakdown, a sample of these factors that contribute to the barrel overflowing are allergies, poor nutrition, stress, lack of sleep, acute viral episodes, sudden shock and overwork.

There are many ways to overload the body, psychological factors being excessive work load, high amount of stress and personality disorders, physical factors being the heat and cold, electromagnetic radiation, oxidative stress and mercury toxicity, biological factors being fatigue, allergies, micro-organisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites, nutritional deficiency and endocrine dysfunction and chemical factors being alcohol, medicines, pollution and recreational drugs.

A common misleading factor about overload is that the last overload factor that is introduced is the only culprit for producing symptoms. It is very uncommon for one overload factor to overcome the bodys defenses; it is far more likely to be a cumulative of actions by different stressors. For example, a persons lifestyle may consists of a stressful job, which to combat the stress they turn to comfort substances such as smoking, drinking, eating chocolate, to wake themselves up for work in the morning they drink a couple of cups of coffee, to cope with their workload they work long hours and only take half an hour lunch break where they eat at their desk because of these long hours they dont have time to rest properly or exercise plus there is a rumor of job cuts at their work. All of these are stressors that the person can cope with until one day a close relative dies and the stress from bereavement overloads their barrel and symptoms of illness occur. Many people would say that it is the stress of bereavement that caused the person to become ill but in fact it was a cumulative affect of a stressful job, consuming caffeine and alcohol, smoking and not resting and exercising properly that cause the illness.

A doctor, physician or therapist can use the knowledge of total body load to help their patients. Any indirect or direct means to reduce total body load will help to combat illnesses, for example quitting smoking will help with infertility, good healthy nutrition will help to fight against cancer, eliminating infections such as Candida will help with PMT, reducing the use of hairspray and perfumes will help to improve catarrh and eating fewer stress foods that cause food intolerances and allergy and refined carbohydrates and food additives will certainly help to improve health.

The body can tolerate a certain threshold of each stressor but when a stressor reaches the threshold illness occurs. Bad allergens are the ones which when taken even in small amounts can put the body into overload. Mild allergens can normally be tolerated but when many mild allergens are taken at once then the threshold will be reach and illness occurs. This is why certain allergic food can be eaten without any problems but can also cause problems when taken with other allergic food. This explains why food can be eaten without causing illness at one time and at another time it can cause an allergic reaction. As illustrated earlier, life events, emotional stress and viral infections can all affect the threshold of overload.

In conclusion, understanding the total body load principle is vital for a Nutritional therapist. It illustrates why and what makes a person ill and by understanding this, advice can be given about nutrition and lifestyle to reduce the stressors in life. The total body load principle can be used to example why a patient can go on a relaxing beach holiday in the Caribbean and eat food that they are intolerant to and not be ill but as soon as they are back in their stressful job in the city they become ill again when eating foods they are intolerant to.

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The Body in Tailoring

The body is the beginning and the end of tailoring and creating suitable garments. It is natural in a way to assume three (or at least) three lines of circumference or girth and these are the chest line, the waist line and the hip line. These lines of girth refer to the man and when you think of these lines of girth, they can become very human lines or almost abstract lines. And these abstract lines are important in tailoring and pattern cutting but they can become very human lines. For example, one can ask oneself where exactly is the waist line. The waist line is important in pattern cutting because there is an assumption perhaps that the body is narrower at the waist than at the chest and thus there is a need to control the fabric and shape the garment to suit the body. This of course refers above all to women but it also refers to men and in tailoring and pattern cutting in past centuries and in this century, it is certainly important for a shaping to be done re: chest to waist ratio for men. This shaping is important and may be at the core of the difference between pattern cutting for coats and pattern cutting for jackets.

Look at the across back line in tailoring and maybe ask if this line of measurement really exists. It is an important line because it seems to be the main measurement for the back. The across back measurement in tailoring, one might say, is the main back measurement. And see where this back measurement is located. It is located, one might say, above the underarm point. This underarm point refers to a point on the torso, or at least an imaginary point. It refers one might say in some way to a back point in the armpit but it is on the torso and it is the top point for the side seam. Here one is mixing tailoring/clothing terms with points on the body. To be precise, one can ask what is the nature of the side seam but here we are just trying to measure the across back. Still the across back is an obvious measurement. One is aiming to measure the back before one measures lines below this such as the waist and hip and one is aiming to get a picture of the body form or the nature of control that is needed in creating the jacket.

See the arm in its pose as it turns back and then the person puts his hand on his hips in the usual half akimbo pose. See how the arm bends backwards and you ask if the word 'bend' is suitable here or it the word 'backward' is suitable since the arm isn't really going backward. You might say that the upper back area around the shoulder is adjusting to allow the arm to pose in such a way I.e. arm akimbo. Still what does this mean for tailoring or pattern cutting? When you are looking at the back of the body, it seems that a pose such as the akimbo pose is important. At least a pose where the figure puts his/her arm on his/her hips in a suitable way so that the arm is seen to be able to 'move' back or it seems that the arm can 'pose' itself or aim to get an element of direction, direction in the sense of being able to bend the elbow inwards to the hip while placing the arm itself I.e. the arm inserted into the armhole and the arm at least to the elbow outwards and then of course inwards. And of course the arm one might say rotates in some way to allow this specific akimbo pose or half akimbo.

The arm is so important to the body and at least to tailoring because, if one can say it, it allows the body to pose in new ways and the way the arm moves shows how the body itself can move and this ability to move and adjust and then for individual body parts to move or adjust is important for tailoring and other garment creation. It is perhaps most important re; stretch and the reason why stretch fabrics were introduced was to accommodate this kind of movement, not only this 'ordinary' movement but movement in sport and dance I.e. dancewear, sportswear etc.

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Monday, 30 March 2009

7 Top Tips For Boosting Self-Confidence

Do you have a low self-confidence? Is it holding you back from being and doing the things you really want in life? Do you frustrate yourself when you don't feel like you can really go for it? If so then here are seven top tips for boosting your self-confidence whenever and where ever you may be. Here they are:

Regardless of your current feelings view yourself in your minds eye in the situation you wish to be in. If you are worried about starting a new job then see yourself walking into the office on the first day happy and confident walking up-right with positive body language. If you are striving for success on the sports field then run a short movie clip through your mind of how you wish the game to be. At the beginning of a game you can visualise how you will make the first tackle or how you will go around the goal keeper and so on. Doing so really helps build your self-confidence as you can actually see yourself getting the required results.

If as inevitably happens a negative thoughts enters your mind and starts to drag you down and of course it is bound to happen at some point, then deliberately and consciously release it. You can do this by simply moving on to the next more positive thought or if you find this difficult you may wish to place a photo of a favourite place, person or thing in your wallet which you can take a quick glance at which can then immediately stimulate positive thoughts and feelings just like flicking a switch.

If you are facing a problem rather than focussing on the problem itself focus on the tools or positive things that you have at your disposal to overcome the problem. Make a list of the positive assets that you have going for you however small you may deem them to be and bear in mind that: 'If you think you can, you can'

Get a grip of yourself. It is easy to build a problem up to be much greater than it really is through our own fear and worry. You may find it useful to actually write the problem down, doing so can often help put it into perspective and remove a ot of the worry immediately.

Some people find it useful to memorise a few affirmations that they can repeat to themselves for inspiration when they are struggling for self-confidence. repeating affirmations focussing on what the words mean and not just mindlessly repeating them can help inject positivity into your actions immediately.

Realise you are greater being than you probably think you are. Take a look now and assess your strong points, your skills and abilities. Once you have done this then add another 20% onto what you previously thought you were capable of for we all know that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, why should this be any less true for you or I?

If you have any belief in a higher power, God, or whomever relax and remember that their love is surrounding you, guiding you and providing you with opportunities which ever way you look. Allow the power and feeling of security to flow through you and feel it build up inside you and raise your self-confidence.

So, there you have seven quick tips to boost your self-confidence. Try and make it a habit to use the above techniques as often as possible, doing so will help your mind naturally on its own ooze with positive thoughts creating a self-perpetuating cycle of positive thoughts.

Author Tim Ryan provides FREE guidance and training on the power of positive thinking. View positive thinking articles, profiles, tips and more by simply clicking: Personal Development or Positive Thinking now.

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How to Have an Out of Body Experience!

Im sure you have heard of people having an Out of body experience or an Astral Projection. Its the ability to leave your physical body and explore the world and other levels of existence through your astral body. There are several things that you need to keep your focus on in order to achieve this state and to astral project while keeping a conscious mind.

The first thing you should do is to find a calm place for you to begin your exercises, I recommend that you avoid the bed if possibly, we are conditioned to fall asleep when using the bed, and this is not something we want to happen, the goal is to making the body fall asleep while keeping the mind active and alert. I recommend using a chair with arm support, or at least to be in a sitting position.

When you are properly seated its time to begin relaxing your entire body. Begin to tense your feet for 10-20 seconds and then release. Relax and breathe calmly. Repeat this and works your way up through your body. From your feet to the head until every little muscle feels totally relaxed.

When your body is relaxed it's time to focus on keeping the mind calm, relaxed and free of thoughts. This is something most people can have some problems with, in our daily lives the mind is constantly occupied with mental chatter and this can be hard to just turn off. I recommend taking deep breaths in order to keep your mind focused. Concentrate on inhaling air into the nose and breathing out through the mouth, do this in a very slow pace. If unwanted thoughts start to surface in your mind simply push them away and get your attention back to your breathing.

After a while you may notice that your body is getting heavier and everything seems to be slower, you may feel like your whole body is expanding. You are now in the trance state where your body has gone to sleep while your mind stays active. But you are not free of your body just yet, you need to implement an exit method to separate from your body.

There are many different exit techniques you can do, the best way is to try some of them and find out which works best for you. One of the more popular ones is the rope technique. Begin to imagine that an invisibly rope is hanging from the ceiling and that you are climbing it with your imaginary hands. Its important to keep your physical body fully relaxed when you do this. This method if done right will exert a high level of pressure on the astral body and forcing it to separate.

Those are the key components for how to astral project and keeping a conscious mind. The most important of these are the relaxation bit.

Its the foundation which all the other skills rests upon, so take your time with it. I hope this information has been helpful and will help you have an Astral Projection.

Karl Sewon is the author of this article and is a regular Astral projector.

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What is Body Building?

A man is said to be complete when he has sound mind, soul and body. The main role is played by the fit body, when the body is fit automatically the mind and the soul becomes fit.

How to keep the body fit? Various people have various opinions and views about body fitness. Once the body is fit, we take up steps to maintain and build it in a healthy manner. Healthy means keeping oneself fit with healthy food and surrounding.

Healthy surrounding, it is nothing but having a pleasant and peaceful environment without pollution. Nowadays environment without pollution is rare. Every places, they are polluted either by air or water or sound. Adapting oneself to these surroundings and maintaining healthy life makes a man fit in mind, soul and body.

Now coming to the point of healthy food, the complete nutritious and balanced diet is said to be healthy. When a man is perfect in this he seems to build his body. Body building for some people is a craze, for some people it is professional and some people consider it as maintain fitness to lead a healthy life.

Body building generally means building of body and muscles. How are these body muscles built? The functional unit of building the body muscles is proteins. Proteins are compounds of amino acids. Groups of amino acids form the protein. There are two types of amino acids essential and non-essential amino acids.

Essential amino acids are not produced or present in the body. Non-essential amino acids are present in the body. These essential amino acids are taken by the body through external intake. In case these amino acids are growth factors present in DNA. DNA is the genetic factor of each individual. DNA determines the sexual and physical aspects or the characteristics of every individual.

Some compound amino acids in the form of proteins are present in the muscles. The structural and functional unit of muscles is sarcomre. These sarcomeres consists of proteins, which are through active movements and exercises multiplies and builds up the whole muscle structure.

A single muscle bulk consists of many millions of sarcomre. The exercises when performed activate each sarcomre in a different extent. Exercise gives more blood supply to the muscles and provides oxygen, nutrition for the proteins. In general proteins are called as "body builders".

Body building is doing exercises with various machineries. In building of muscles they maintain a different diet, type of rest etc. They do a lot of activity to keep the muscle structures active. The diet includes lot of fat intake. Fat, when the exercises are performed breaks down and converts as glucose that gives the energy.Say for example for the building up of biceps or the arm muscles different exercises are performed. They use dumbells, weight lifting pull ups varies for each muscle of the body.

Thus to conclude, body building to an extent is healthy. Anything that crosses its limit will result in doing no good. They cause adverse pain and led to many side effects. To safely body build, check out Vince Delmonte's No Nonsense Muscle Building, it's essentially an online muscle building guide aimed to teach people how to successfully and safely build muscle. Don't let the name fool you, it's not a full on bodybuilding guide (although it can be) it allows you to work at your own pace and make the gains you want.

Read a --> full No Nonsense Muscle Building review <--

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Scott McGrice is an accomplished fitness trainer, focusing on innovative and revolutionary training techniques, with the overall aim to ensure that his clients, readers and anybody else interested achieve the results they want. He has a deep understanding of online fitness / bodybuilding courses and guides and loves to share his experiences with others.

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Improve Your Golf Performance With These 5 Tips

Improve your golf performance. Is this always on your mind? When you go out to golf you're hoping for a good round. I know I do.

How often does your outcome match what you hoped for? Do you usually shoot the scores you had envisioned before you teed off? If not, do you ever evaluate where and how you could have saved strokes and avoided those blow up holes?

I've got 5 easy tips for you to implement immediately that will improve your golf performance by shaving 4-6 or even more strokes off your score the next time you play. Give them a try and see what happens. Here they are:

1. First off you've got to put the proper fuel in your body before you leave home. Most golfers don't give it a second thought. They either don't eat at all before they leave home or they eat something that is not going to give them the long-term energy they're hoping for. So whether it's lunch or breakfast before you leave you need to consume a complex carbohydrate and a good protein source. This combination will warrant the best use of your energy for the long haul.

An example for breakfast would be a bowl of oatmeal and a couple of egss with a piece of fruit or a juice. For lunch you could have a turkey sandwich on whole wheat with a piece of fruit. Lot's of lettuce on the sandwich and try to avoid mayonnaise or butter.

2. The second tip is to properly warm up your body before you even hit your first ball. I see
so many golfers show up 5 minutes before tee time, hack a few balls and head to the first tee. Those golfers are headed for a double bogey right off the bat - but hey they're just getting "warmed up" right?

A better approach is to give yourself at least 30 minutes before your tee time. First do some dynamic (movement oriented) stretches to prepare your body to perform. Things like arm circles, partial squats, toe touches, etc. Then take some half swings with a 7 iron. Now after that you're ready to hit some wedges. You'll find with this approach your hits on the range will be much better, which will build your confidence.

3. Drink lots of water even before you leave your house. Try to consume up to a gallon of Water before you get to the course. This will help you absorb and digest your pre-game meal and hydrate your muscles for optimal performance. Don't take this lightly. Dehydration causes energy loss, lack of focus and concentration and fatigue later in the round. And remember, that's before you even come to the course. Once you get their you should be drinking water every hole.

4. Don't wait 'til you get tight to stretch on the course. You should be constantly moving your body and stretching your joints while you play. I see and hear too many golfers complaining of tight lower backs or shoulders during the round, What amazes me is that with all that complaining they do nothing about it. Why? Think of your body as a machine. If the machine starts to break down - fix it. I mean stretch those areas while you're playing. You'll see a big difference in your swing mechanics late in the round.

5. Snack while you play. No I don't mean the full meal at the turn with a beer. I
mean bringing fruit and nutrition bars to eat every 4-6 holes. When you supply your body with the proper nutrients your energy levels stay balanced and you will avoid those mental lapses late in the round. How many times have you had a good score only to blow up late in the round? I'll bet more than a couple of times. I know I have. Treat your body like a Ferrari not a Ford Pinto.

These tips if applied, will definitely improve your golf performance!

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What is Your Body Telling You?

Did you know that you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars a year on nutritionists or books telling you how to eat? If you listen to your body - it will tell you!

We all do it - we spend hundreds of dollars (not to mention hours) a year trying to find out what the best food for our body is. Did you know people are making millions of dollars a year telling you what the best foods are - when you can actually get the information for free?

Your body gives you all the answers and it costs you nothing. You just have to learn to listen.

Just to recap some of the basics, here's the list of worst offenders that you should definitely avoid:

ALL refined sugars
White flour and white rice
Table salt
Margarine and shortening
Pasteurized, Homogenized Milk
ALL artificial chemicals added to your food

Once you have eliminated those offenders, you will be able to hear your body a lot clearer.

But don't worry, eliminating those offenders is nothing to stress about. The truth is if you start to stress before you start, you never will start.

Our body sometimes plays tricks on us and stressing about what to eat actually causes cravings for the very foods you should avoid. So, don't stress and take it slow. Start eliminating one refined food at a time and just for a couple of weeks at a time. DO NOT think about what you are not having, think about the food you are having instead.

Once you begin this process, you will see a chain of events occur. You will feel better because you are putting better food into your body. You'll be surprised when you go to eat something sugary a couple weeks later and you notice how horrible it makes you feel. And boom, you will definitely think twice about having it again.

With your new healthy eating habits, you will be able to listen to and hear your body a lot more clearly. Trust that it will tell you what nutrients it needs at what time, using cravings for healthier foods. Your bodies gut instinct will kick in and without your head being clouded from all the chemicals and refined foods, you will finally be able to listen.

Making this change is a positive step to great health. As Hippocrates said "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food." Take one day at a time and enjoy your meals - and you will soon be able to enjoy feeling great!

Diane Vitellaro, Reiki Master and Iridologist, specializes in the field of Holistic therapies. Her extensive training presents her wealth of knowledge and expertise in both physical and energetic therapies, with extensive training in Herbs, Ear Candling, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Color Therapy and much more. Contact Diane Vitellaro To re-energize your life and enhance your health and well-being . To learn more about your health visit her website at http://www.thehealthytruth.NET or email her at diane@thehealthytruth.NET To speak with Diane directly, please contact her at 905-828-5690. Holistically transform your life today!

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Tips to Reduce Excessive Perspiration

It is difficult to find solutions which ensure 100 percent solution to the elimination of excessive perspiration. Some medical specialist would suggest surgeries which are expensive. There is also this new method called Botox which have been approved by the FDA but this expensive treatment only lasts for three months.

What then are your alternatives if you have no cash and are dying to address the problem with your heavy sweating? You may say that you will just accept the problem and withdraw from your social life. However if you know you can do something in order to reduce the heavy perspiration especially in the underarms, why don't you give it a try?

How to Manage the excessive Perspiration Through Wardrobe

During those busy days, we know that it is your goal to look fresh and confident as possible. When you rush to your workplace and converse with your boss, a sweat blotch on your cloth's armpits is not appreciated. Worse, you wouldn't like a pungent smell to come with the heavy perspiration.

The common mistake with perspiring bodies sometimes is that they thought wearing dark colored and tight dresses will do the trick. It is true that dark colored dresses hide the sweat stain or tight clothes absorb the moisture but these tricks will not help you at all. They will cause you to be uncomfortable rather than fresh.

It is a known fact that heat causes sweating. Therefore if you clamp your body up with more layers of clothing not to mention that they are dark colored, you sweat more. The clothes mentioned will make you excessively perspire.

What we advise you to wear are clothes with loose fitting ventilation and with breathable fabrics. Breathable fabrics include cotton. Loose dress allows air circulation compared with tight ones which cling to the body producing more heat.

What not to eat

Avoid spicy foods at all cost if you perspire excessively. The effects of the spiciness will show in your underarms. Your underarms will produce perpetual stinky perspiration when spicy foods are consumed.

Apply Antiperspirant on underarms

Put ample amount of antiperspirants on your underarms. Antiperspirants clog sweat glands to prevent sweat from coming out of the body. Because of this, bacteria which cause the smell won't thrive on your armpits.

Learn the best way to Stop Underarm Sweat - "Stop Sweating and Start Living" by Milke Ramsey

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Sunday, 29 March 2009

Easy Tips For Curing Acne Fast

If you are looking for easy tips to cure acne, you may find that you probably need to change a few things in your life. I am not talking about major life changes by the way. Just small simple changes so that you can cut down on the time spent dealing with your acne.

Basically acne is a bacterium that has gotten trapped inside a pore. This is not just a problem on the surface of your skin. It comes from within your body. Here are some easy tips for curing acne:

One of the best things you can do for your skin is drink Water. Just a couple of glasses will help. Wash your face, using hands, water, and soap two times a day. Don't irritate your skin by using a washcloth.

If you feel that you need to use a product other than your basic antibacterial bar soap, these are some of the different active ingredients you will find in them.

1. Benzoyl peroxide - an anti-bacterial that can be found in most over the counter acne treatments. Whether it is used in a wash, toner, or cream form of treatment, it will kill the bacteria that causes acne.

2. Salicylic acid - breaks down the pimples and also helps to prevent future breakouts because it slows down your skin cells from shedding too fast and clogging your pores. This is normally found in an astringent/toner type product.

It is not advised to combine these two ingredients in your skin care regimen. I hope these easy tips for curing acne will help you out.

Discover the only proven, holistic way to heal, restore, and have beautiful, clear skin within one week. This is an easy to use program that you can use in the privacy of your own home with guaranteed results.

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3 Tips to Get the Same Body As the Hottest Fitness Models

If you want the same body as the hottest fitness models you see in the magazines, on TV, or at fitness expos then you need to follow 3 tips. They are simple in concept, but you must have discipline in order to execute them properly.

First, you must get your nutrition and health in order. Get checked out by your doctor and a licensed nutritionist in order to make adjustments which are best for you. Just because the top fitness models look great, it does not mean that they are in terrific health. Work with your doctor and nutritionist to rid yourself of unnecessary ailments, heal up injuries, eat properly for your blood type, and develop your body for optimum health.

Second, understand your motives for wanting a body like the top fitness models. If it is to impress someone else, get back at somebody, or to look better than someone else then consider changing your motivations. The motives just listed are fueled by revenge and/or are dependent on someone else. Change your motives toward positive intentions such as remaining healthy for your kids, having the athleticism needed to experience physical challenges most people will never accomplish such as rock climbing, running a marathon, competing on a bodybuilding stage, etc. Be motivated by health, the ability to experience wonders of the world, and having the physical gifts to enjoy time with your family, friends, and teammates if you play a sport.

Third, train properly. The hottest fitness models don't necessarily only lift weights, only do yoga, or are only runners. Take a good, long look at your body and what its gifts are. If you are gifted with big, strong muscles then go for the look of a bodybuilder or figure competitor; or if you are gifted with long limbs and a swimmer's body then train in such a manner.

These three tips will get you started on the journey of looking like the top fitness models. Just remember to do training for your mind, emotions, spirituality, and all of the other "intangibles" as well!

Get free reports and more information if you desire to look like the Hottest Fitness Models you see in the magazines. If you want to look like the Top Fitness Models then click either link now!

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Bench, Deadlift & Squats - Tips For Perfecting the Big Three

Every bodybuilder knows that the "Big Three" exercises - Bench press, deadlifts, and squats - are the key to making gains in muscle mass and strength. Let's check out a few tips and ideas for making the most of these exercises, and doing it safely.

General Tips

Use a back belt for all three movements. You can never be too safe when it comes to protecting this very vulnerable area of your body. Warm up with five to ten minutes on the treadmill to prepare the body, and always use two warm up sets per body part to prepare the muscle group for the torture it is about to endure with the Big Three.

Bench Press Tips

Avoid going too high or too low. While powerlifting competition requires total "bottom out" and lock-out, training in the gym does not. Keeping the barbell in the middle 80% range of motion maintains continual stress upon the muscle group, and avoids straining the joints (by locking out) stretching the pecs into a tear (common when bottoming out).

Deadlift Tips

Always keep the head up and back upright throughout this movement. Many bodybuilders, especially on the max out sets, will focus upon the weight and not the form they're using to move it. This can cause an injury which will last a lifetime. Always have gloves with wrist wraps handy. The back should give out on deadlifts - not the forearm grip. Additionally, always hit the back first in your workout when your body's resources and central nervous system are at their strongest.

Squat Tips

Always use a full range of motion. Stopping before the thighs are parallel to the ground places a great deal of stress upon the knees and is the most common cause of injury among bodybuilders on leg day. Warm up the legs, but don't do excessive stretching before squatting. Between sets, always massage any kinks or sudden pains in the thigh or knee immediately to ensure that a small ding doesn't become a major injury when the stress of the next set begins.


Train hard and heavy. But train intelligently too. Doing so will ensure you get the best possible results from your workout, with the least risk of injury. Keep your body warm, your vulnerable areas protected, and always lift using your brain, not your ego. Remember that the goal is to grow the muscles, not move metal. Good luck!

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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Rock Climbing and Hiking Tips For All Fitness Levels

Rock Climbing and Hiking are excellent forms of exercise and provide a great deal of enjoyment for people of all fitness levels. Hiking is a relatively low impact aerobic exercise that greatly increases your cardiovascular fitness levels while offering scenic beauty and the enjoyment of nature. Whether you are hiking around your neighborhood, or on a dense nature trail, a daily walk can improve your overall health in areas you may not even think about.

Hiking stimulates the mind, and reduces stress. These benefits almost overshadow the physical benefits that hiking provides the body as stress and an over-burdened mind can create many health problems including a propensity to gain weight. Rock climbing is one extension of hiking that works the mind, reduces stress, and gives you a thorough workout that not only improves cardio output, but also muscle strength.

Regardless of your fitness level you can enjoy both of these activities by keeping just a few tips in mind:

Pick walking paths, or climbing heights that are relative to your general abilities. As you progress pick slightly more challenging levels to push yourself to greater heights.

Wear the appropriate clothing. Good sturdy shoes or boots that protect your feet and are supportive, as well as loose clothing are appropriate for both activities. If the weather is cooler wearing layers of clothing that you can add or remove as needed is the best choice.

Take along a friend. For safety as well as companionship it is best to have company on your hiking or climbing trips. If you can't find someone to hike, or climb with you, tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back.

Carry a bottle of water. Keeping hydrated is important when engaging in any physical activity.

Most of all enjoy yourself. Getting your daily exercise does not have to be painful and should be an enjoyable experience that you will want to do often.

For more information on rock climbing, visit For more information on hiking, visit

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Body Detox - Does it Work?

The procedure of balancing or taking way toxins from the human is called detoxification.
This is the following toxins or chemicals that we put inside our bodies: mercury, cleaning agents, pesticides, food additives, cigarette smoke and alcohol, perfume and after shave and oral contraceptives. The body flushed away these chemicals through urine and stools.

Professionals consider that the pure quantity of toxin that we put into the human bodies daily through water food and the environment can add things up. Sometime the creation of toxins is so tough, even the body cannot clean easily and it can go to nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance and inefficient metabolism.

In due course, toxic creation is judge to go direct as a disease. Dull skin, occasionally in pain, lethargy and dull skin are the symptoms.

It is believed that a detox plan when using supplements and herbs or special diet can toughen the body organs used for detoxification and endorses the flow of toxin pile up through the lymphatic system, intestines, kidneys, and lungs, liver and skin.

Statement from different people says that detox diet developed the human skin and it ease out indication like constipation and gas, pmt and irritability, joint pain and headaches, lethargy and fatigue. Detox plans also have the idea of avoiding chronic disease like in the heart and cancer.

Before proceeding to the detox program be sure to visit a health professional for advises regarding the different symptoms because the dangerous symptoms can be the same as to the other disease.

If a person is in the process of detox diet it is ordinary for them to experience symptoms and it can get worse for some period of time, but it will also pass after few days. Some of the symptoms that a person will experience are oilier skin, headaches and other pains, and this is because the toxins in huge quantities are going through the whole body.

Master Cleanse is the best detox diet and can help you lose up to 20 pounds in merely 10 days! Look younger, ease chronic pain, cleanse your body of internal waste, and boost your energy levels in 10 days! Find out how Beyonce Knowles found out with the Master Cleanse diet!

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Saturday, 28 March 2009

Winning Body Acne Solutions

Although primarily afflicting and apparent on the face, acne can spread to other areas as well, leaving many people searching for body acne solutions. Different methods work for different people, and not all body acne solutions are across the board winners. Body acne can be more difficult to deal with and treat because of the stress which everyday activity, acne on the body is more apt to be agitated.

Wash your afflicted skin especially at least once a day, but no more than twice. This causes further agitation. When you wash, wash with a soft non-comedogenic soap as this will not clog your pores. Pay your skin dry gently with a soft towel. If you're seeing a pattern forming here, you would be correct. Be gentle to your skin as acne afflicted skin is easily agitated which can cause further breakouts and spreading.

Also watch what you eat. There has been a great deal of recent evidence which supports the link between body acne and diet. Consequently, a number of body acne solutions involving detoxification have recently become popular and have been tested to be remarkably responsive amongst those who try them.

These body acne solutions involve cleansing the body entirely of certain foods and substances with contain acne causing agents. With most foods and drinks which you consume you body digests them completely. Certain foods, however, are not as easily cleansed and remain in your body. One of the possible results of this is that they clog your pores which can lead to ruptures of the walls within your skin, causing acne.

The detox method involves first cleansing your body of these harmful agents, and secondly teaching you how to keep your consumption of these substances at a minimum. Again, these methods have been tested and proven to be incredibly responsive as they fight and stop acne at its source.

Take control of your acne today, don't wait any longer. Visit for information on the tested and most responsive detox and cleansing diet methods to see an immediate result in your skin.

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How to Get a Six Pack Abs Fast? Discover 5 Sure-Fire Tips on How to Get a Six Pack Abs!

Want to know how to a get six pack abs? Below are 5 tips on how to get quick abs ...

How to Get A Six Pack Abs

1. Truth about abs is - getting a six pack abs is not about working your stomach area or abs to death. In other words, it is not about doing 1000 sit ups in half a day, every day. And it is not about doing 3 hours of crunches, every day! Man ... for one, this is not how to get a six pack abs. Two, isn't it boring doing the same workout day in and day out? And three, ab specific workouts are really a waste of your precious time - the thing is, it doesn't burn your body fat.

2. If you really want washboard abs - look at lowering your body fat count. And the first thing you must do now is - to improve the way you eat and drink. It's all about eating fresh foods and wholegrain foods. Abs is all about reducing the amount of processed foods you eat - eating less packaged foods, take outs, fast foods and junk foods. Not only are these foods full of unwanted additives and high calories, the foods are stripped of the nutrition to help your fuel your body and feed the muscles with.

To put it simply, if you want a six pack abs - eat more fresh, organic foods, drink less fizzy drinks and drink more water.

3. Look at the professional athletes as an example - especially the 'stop, start' sports like NFL football, NBS basketball and sprinters. They do not have the time to waste half a day on just sit ups. All of them are on a healthy sensible diet, eat very little junk food, train hard to improve their skills - and more importantly, they focus on strengthening their core muscles (not their abs) to be strong. Focusing on your core not only gives you more strength - it saves time and gives you ripped abs!

4. Train hard, and ramp up your intensity when you workout. Forget the long steady thread-mill workouts. Get into high intensity interval training, this is a mix of high intensity periods followed by low intensity period - and repeated over a duration, say 20 minutes. Workouts like swim sprints 1 lap followed by slow swim the next lap are examples of interval training. It's a great way to ramp up your metabolism!

5. Strengthen your core muscles - workouts like the dead-lifts, push ups, pull ups and the bench press are great total body exercises. Another kind of fat blasting workouts are the super sets where will work the upper body *followed immediately* with the lower body workout. These kinds of super workouts will rev up your metabolism, slash your fat and build muscles! Now this how to get a six pack abs!

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Thursday, 26 March 2009

Celebrity Body Detox Colon Cleanse Recipe

Looking for an amazingly effective body detox colon cleanse method that you can do at home and requires very little money? If the answer was yes, congratulations because you have found it! I am going to share with you the same recipe that has been used by many people to detox the body including Beyonce who talked about it not too long ago on Oprah.

Without further delay I am going to share with you the recipe. It comes from the Master Cleanse Diet.

* 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice

* 2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup

* 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

* 10 oz of filtered water

This makes one single serving. In the Master Cleanse diet, it is specifically instructed that you must consume 6-12 servings of this a day for ten days. What i usually do, is multiply this recipe by however many servings you plan on drinking for the day.

This is the Master Cleanse diet in a nutshell.

If you follow this diet properly I can guarantee you will experience success. You will be surprised how many pounds of feces you will effectively remove from your colon that have been accumulating for all these years.

In only ten days you will effectively cleanse your colon, experience increased levels of energy, clearer complexion, and an overall feeling of better health.

The only problem is, many people do not last the first 3 days on this diet. And i don't blame them this diet is pretty rough if you don't have all the tips and techniques to get through it. That is why Raylen Sterling, the creator of the Master Cleanse Secrets Newsletter wrote a book to help people get through the required ten days with ease.

In his book he provides, information on:

- what foods you can eat during the ten days
- a way to let your body comfortably adjust to the diet so you easily get through the first three day hump with no problem. If this is your first time attempting the Master Cleanse this is extremely useful.
-simple steps to avoid side effects
- secrets to improve the effectiveness of the Master Cleanse diet.

For anybody attempting to do the Master Cleanse diet, i would not do so without Raylen Sterling's book. It can mean the difference between lasting only one day and successfully completing the required ten days. The Master Cleanse diet is a powerful method, but many people do not succeed because they do not have all the proper information and techniques on their side. With Raylen Sterling's book, he makes the Master Cleanse easy so that the average person can experience success with it.

If you would like more information on this book, where to find it, or would like to learn more about body detox colon cleansing visit my site By Clicking Here.

Rin Otori has spent much of his time researching the importance of detoxification and colon cleansing. He has helped many people experience healthier lives through his articles. If you would like to check out his blog Click Here

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With Healthy Grains, Ensure Only Good Nutrients For the Body

The natural nutrients certainly have an edge over the ones that are consumed as supplements. This is further proved by the easier absorption of these nutrients in the body than the additional ones taken alongside the meals. The best way of intake of their nutrients is through food grains. However, it should be ensured that the food grains that are consumed should be totally organic and healthy.

At the time of cultivation on a large scale, to increase the output of the crop generally many harmful chemicals and fertilisers are used. However, the use of these unnatural products harms the grains and lowers the nutrient count in them. Also, the ill effects of these chemicals harm the body of people slowly but cause irreparable damage. Therefore to remove these ill effects, it is important to switch to such products which are completely natural and can cause no harm to the body.

It is through the organic grains that one can always be assured of the right nutrients reaching the body. Also, there are a variety of grains that are available so as to fulfill the needs of the body for various nutrients. Lentils are available which are gluten-free and therefore completely healthy. Polenta, chickpeas, linseed, millets, barley, popcorn, mung beans, soy beans, wheat grains, buckwheat, quinoa grain in red and white variety etc are also available easily now.

With approval from various agricultural and health organisations, these organic food grains can be consumed without any harm being done to the body. Any harmful effects can be averted since no pesticides, fertilisers or chemicals have not been used in their growth and processing. These foods have now become easily available since there are many companies now selling organic products. However, at time of purchase it is important to check the approvals of organisations which make sure the products are authentic.

Organic grains provide a lot of benefit to the body since they are pure nutrients and no other synthetic ingredients have been used in them. Research today and ensure good health for the complete family.

Janne Clarke is an expert on parenting, organic food and related items, who writes articles for numerous websites on parenting & gluten free products. For more of her articles on parenting, grains and baby care, please visit

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7 Tips on How to Prevent Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome happens in about 10 percent of the population at large and is one of the most diagnosed diseases that gastroenterologists find. There are many different symptoms and at least three different ways to diagnose. The symptoms include but are not limited to abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea and a bloated belly. There are also certain foods such as milk, chocolate and alcohol that also don't help someone with this syndrome. These types of foods tend to make it much worse. The main methods of diagnosis are by symptoms, lower GI and a colonoscopy.

Here are 7 tips to prevent Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

1. Lower the stress levels in your life. Stress always makes irritable bowel syndrome worse and by cutting down on the amount of stress in your life, it will also help to make you feel better.

2. Dietary changes. Certain foods either cause this or make it worse. These foods include soft drinks, milk products, and alcohol. Removing these from your diet will help you to maintain your digestive system.

3. Eat smaller meals. By eating smaller meals, your digestive system will be more able to digest the food and will help maintain a symptom free digestive system.

4. Adding fruits and vegetables into your diet. By adding natural sources of fiber into your diet, you help your system to be better able to expel all bowel movements.

5. Medicine. Medicine prescribed by a doctor will also help you with the irritable bowel syndrome and this will help maintain a healthy person.

6. Get plenty of exercise. By exercising, you maintain a healthy body and a healthy body will be better able to handle anything that comes up.

7. Get plenty of rest. By getting plenty of rest, your body will then be able to better heal itself and to help you heal.

By using these tips, you will be better prepared to handle irritable bowel syndrome. This will make this much easier to handle and will also help you to maintain or begin a more healthy lifestyle.

Moderation is the key to maintaining a healthy digestive tract. By reducing or eliminating these risk factors from your life, you will be better able to function at a healthy level of body. By following your doctor's recommendations and these tips, you will be better able to get a handle on your irritable bowel syndrome and also be able to keep this from affecting every part of your life.

By making the modifications to your lifestyle and diet, this will allow you to prevent future irritable bowel syndrome episodes from cropping up in the future and affecting you.

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Build Big Muscles Fast: Secrets of Total Body Muscle Building

Want to build Big Huge Muscles? Then you must Squat! The Squat will build big muscles on your entire body frame.

There are 3 types of people in this world.

First, there are those that make things happen.
They calculated and know very sure what they want, then they take action and get it no matter what happens. They single mindedly pursue their ambition and they will ultimately succeed. In bodybuilding, they want to grow big and strong with big huge muscles. They SQUAT and squat and squat again. Have you ever seen anyone who is big, have huge muscles and have a well proportioned body like a Greek god who does not squat? Never.

Then there are those who watch things happen.
They will savor the world around them. Then say, we will see what happens next. If it works, well we will decide if we are gonna do it.

These are the majority of the average Joes. They want to grow big muscles and be strong and muscular but are reluctant to make the effort to include the squat in their workout routine. Even if they do, they will do it haphazardly and will give up before they achieve their objectives. Then the excuses will flow. "Squats are too hard on my knees" or "Doing squat will stunt your growth" or "Squats are for my back" or "I just want a well toned body." Excuses from sour grapes. That is why average joes just remain well... average. We will debunk those excuses later in this article.

Finally there are those that are always saying "Omigosh! What happened?" Needless to say, these people are the ones oblivious to what is happening around them. They will walk leisurely on a treadmill reading a book at the same time when others are raising their heart rates to improve endurance and burn fats.

They are the ones doing dumbbell curls after dumbbell curls when others are doing bench presses, dead lifts and squats. They are the ones who ask the champions why the champs are growing biiger muscles and getting fitter all the time whereas they are at the gym longer, more regular and yet not achieving any result. They will take note of the advises and the next time you see them, they are back to what they were doing. Reading that confounded book on the treadmill. They actually expect changes to take place by doing the same things. How is that possible? Then they will say, "Ah... but you are just lucky to have good genes!" What nonsense!

To build muscles fast and big, you must SQUAT! The squat is often touted as the king of exercise and is grouped together with the dead lift and bench press, collectively called the Big Three for power and muscle mass building.

If you want to build big muscles and enjoy a symmetrical physique, you must squat. Period.

In most gym, the squat rack is there collecting dust. Why? Because most people think that their legs will be hidden by their pants. Why bother? How dead wrong they are. Wait till you see them in their shorts or swim wear. You will see Spiderman ..I mean spider legs.

Another reason why people avoid squatting exercises is because the squat work on many major muscles and is grueling work. When you perform squats correctly, you will huff and pant, wheeze, head spinning woozily, see stars, sweat profusely and your entire body will be screaming for you to stop.

Of course the exercise is brutal! You are working out about 75% of your entire muscular structure including your shoulders, traps, back, gluteus, hams, calf, abs and many other synergistic muscles in a single exercise, isn't that supposed taxed your strength, endurance and your cardio health? Isn't that the best exercise? Isn't that why the results from squats will be astounding?

As an added bonus to building big muscles , you will be burning fats like crazy since the squat, given the intensity placed on your body, your metabolism zooms straight up! If your body fat ratio is high, it will help you lose body fat.

And because of the degree of difficulty, squats also force your body to release higher amounts of growth hormone , resulting in new muscle growth in all areas of your body. In addition, squats will cause a spillover effect, enabling you to gain strength in all of your other lifts. Awesome! It just befuddles me why, with all these benefits, people are avoiding squats like a bubonic plague. As for the hard gainers, squat will pack on pounds after pounds of muscle on your entire body! So hard gainers, you must squat to grow big!

If you squat with the correct form, heavy weight and sheer intensity, you will see good results in just weeks. Not just your lower body. Your entire frame will take on a different form. A total body transformation. Guaranteed!

You must know that since squats are performed with heavy weight, so correct form and techniques are critical and cannot be compromised. Anything less, you may sustain serious injury. However, when you adhere to the proper technique, you will be very safe and will enjoy all the benefits that come with the squat. Don't cheat yourself and substitute squats with leg presses. They are of a different class!

Debunking Excuses!

It's bad for the knees - In fact, it's on the contrary. Just like the muscle tissue in your body strengthens when exposed to stress, the tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues in your body will also thicken in response to weightlifting. That means, it actually improve knee health when you squat. It also strengthens all the muscles around your knee and thus providing your knees with support when the muscles are strong and less stress is placed on the knees on your day to day activities. I know. I used to suffer from knee pain until I started squatting and now, my knees are in perfect health that I can even play competitive soccer. Knee problems only occur when you squat improperly like resting at the bottom of the movement or letting your knee protrude over your toes.

It's bad for my back - For the same reasons about strengthening your tissues, squats also exercises your lower back. When done in correct form, it actually builds strong muscles on your lower back and not only correcting you from bad posture that results in a bad back, it may even give you a healthy strong back. Again, it will only hurt your back if done in poor form like bending forward or doing it with a rounded back instead of arching it during the movement.

It will give you high blood pressure and bad for the heart -
Sure, your blood pressure will rise as your heart will beat faster from the exercise. That is only temporary and not dangerous unless you already have those problems in the first place. Other than that you are actually exercising your heart and cardio vascular system to strengthen it. How can that be dangerous? Don't most exercises elevate heart rate and increase blood flow? Then they should ban the treadmills and close all swimming pools! Do you buy that nonsense?

So, now that you know that squat is the king of bodybuilding exercises, are you the type that makes things happen or are still contend to be wondering what the heck happened?

Chris is a personal trainer of fashion models, male pageant winners, actors and other celebs. More free fitness tips in his websites.

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Deciding On A Tattoo Design - Suggestions & Tips To Picking The Right Tatoo

When it comes to deciding on a tattoo, ask yourself the following questions. What does this mean to me? What am I getting the tattoo for? Will this image mean something to me ten years down the road?

All too often, in the world of tattoos you see people come in spur of the whim. But, in an honest opinion tattoos aren't something you just do. Take the time to think about what you are getting, if you plan on getting other work make sure there is a continuity between pieces so that your body doesn't look like a hodge podge of pictures.

If you find that you keep coming back to an idea in your mind, over and over again. Chances are that it is something that you could live with. Tattooing is one of many ways to permanently alter your body. Again, I can't stress enough that this is something you will have to live with forever.

While deciding on getting a tattoo, if you find yourself thinking " I can just get it removed if I don't like it." Just stop there, not all pigments can break up under the laser. It is not only a painful process, but will most definitely cost you thousands of dollars more, than the original tattoo.

Through the past few years, I have found that many "tattoo virgins" want massive tattoos.
As an artist, I often suggest starting with a smaller piece that they are thinking of getting later down the line. Starting small isn't a bad thing, if you can't tolerate the pain at least you can get through the 15-20 minutes it would take to complete something small, and be proud of the finished product. I can't count the times I've seen people writhing in pain while under the needle. Most, don't even make it through the first hour. They often leave with line work, and possibly a shade or two here or there, which in anyone's mind isn't attractive.

Looking for inspiration for tattoos is at your fingertips. The internet is now used by client and artist alike. It provides a quick, and easy reference. Using search engines such as, and is a good resource for anyone looking for meanings behind images, or something to reach out and grab you.

If you find an image you like, print it out and bring it into your local shop. Most artists will be happy to assist you in making sure your tattoo comes together the way you'd like. One of the best tattoos, is one where the client gives the tattoo artist creative control. Most artists, when given the opportunity to express themselves come up with breathtaking work. Trust your artist, if you can't, ask yourself if you are truly ready for this step in your life.

From needles, ink and tattoo machines to body piercing tools, jewelry and equipment, we can provide you with all the info as well as current industry news and new products. Beginning with tattooing machines, it's important to research the types of equipment that are out there and the pros and cons to using each type. Tattoo guns, needles, tubes, tattoo starter kits, machines, and inks are all key to starting a studio, shop, parlor or business. The guns and machines are usually hand crafted or homemade. As for the inks, it is crucial to carry a wide variety of colors so you as the artists can create rich and unique designs. More information: Body art aftercare.

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Easy Weight Gaining Tips

Society has been fixated on weight loss products for a long time. With a higher number of people experiencing health concerns due to obesity and being overweight, the emphasis is much more targeted on helping people lose weight. But, what about the people who's strongest desire is to gain weight?

Being underweight may be more common than you think. These individuals thrive to have a curvy body type. Just like those with issues of being overweight, people who are underweight often get teased and tormented about their inability to gain weight. Constantly being teased, coupled with bouts of low self esteem pushes them to seek desperate, unhealthy measures to gain weight. People with low weight issues should be aware that there are healthy ways to gain weight. Following, are three tips that show underweight individuals can gain weight the right way.

Free Weights

Lifting weight is the most important method to packing on healthy body mass and muscle size. One word of caution when listing weights is to be sure to learn proper form. Begin by incorporating exercises that will add more bulk to your lower and upper body such as squats, deadlifts, lateral raises, and push ups. For the best results, try to schedule resistance training into your workout routine 3-4 times per week. Some trainers will advise that you eliminate cardio, by only focusing on weights. However, cardio is known to have excellent affects on the body's health. Performing cardio at low to moderate pace should not hinder your progress. But, remember to keep it low as high impact exercises such as running burns fat; quickly.

Healthy Foods

Loading up on fast food, junk food, and greasy, unsaturated foods is not the healthiest way to gain weight. In fact, these foods may be harmful to your health. To gain weight all you need to do is to add 500 more calories a day to your diet. Eating at least 3500 more calories a week in the form of healthy food choices should help add more weight to your frame.

Healthy foods include carbohydrates (simple or complex), protein, and healthy fats. Carbohydrates help your body to sustain proper energy and blood sugar levels. Consuming more protein is a good way to add extra calories. Lastly, you'll want to eat as much healthy fats as you can until you reach your desired weight. Fats that contain omega -3 essential fatty acids are fish, flax, and walnuts are excellent choices for fats.


If loading up on healthy food does not support your weight gain, supplements may do the trick. Certain supplements are created to help add bulk to your body. One well-known supplement product is Creatine. Creatine, a form of amino acids, is most widely used by bodybuilders to gain muscle mass and size. The supplement, glutamine is another source of healthy amino acids that may add on weight. Another supplement to add to your list is a good weight gainer that can be purchased from your local health food store. Weight gainers are high in calories, making it easier for you to reach your 3500 caloric increase easier.

Gaining weight doesn't have to be difficult. Nor does gaining weight have to be unhealthy. Changing a few things in your diet, followed by a workout plan that incorporates free weights is all you'll need to leave that underweight body behind. Good luck on starting your new diet and workout routine.

Are you looking for more way to gain weight or build muscle? Then check out some of the best foods that build muscle and information on muscle building.

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