I found Ryan Lee's BodyBot fitness program almost by accident. It was during an incidental conversation at my local gym, funnily enough about the effects of working out... and this guy was getting pretty excited about this fitness program he had looked over the night before. What he told me got me interested as well, so I made sure to look in to it.
Fast forward 6 weeks, and I can now give a fairly good account of this fitness system.
If this is the first time you have heard about this system, let me bring you up to speed. Ryan Lee is a fitness coach, a pretty well known one at that. He is on the training team for Men's Fitness magazine, for example, and the author of "The Millionaire Workout". Anyway, he put together this fitness program, called "Bodybot". It is an online based clever piece of software which creates 4 minute workout routines for you, based on what you want to achieve. You can choose all kinds of exercises, putting together you very own unique workout routine, and then you follow along with the "virtual" coach of Ryan, as he paces you through from start to finish. Music is optional (yes, you can add it at a click of the button!).
All of this takes just 4 minutes. The reason why it is so short is due to the signature feature of the system. It is based on a science where you work really intensively for a very short period of time, and then stop. Now, this is where the "magic" happens. The idea is, after you stop, your body continues to burn off your body fat. Even while you sleep! Now, I was a little unsure at first when I read about it. Naturally... BUT it is actually scientific and completely above board. You can find this out easily enough with a little research on "EPOC" which means:
Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption
So what's it like? And does it work? Well, I found it pretty odd at first, because depending on how your computer is set up in regards to where you'll do your workout, it could be a little awkward. For me, it was manageable. But here is the thing. After my first week, I already lost 4 lbs. with this method, and I was so impressed I changed things around a little at home to ensure it would be easier to jump in and use it. And no wonder... it is so effective, and darn fun to boot. So I am really pleased with it.
It is such a slick piece of work too. I can throw together a super effective workout in about 30 seconds.. and then I'm off and running. But boy, is it hard work! Trust me, this is pretty intensive. But it works a treat.
And who can't spare 4 minutes?!
If you have a little extra fat you need shifting, and you can spare 4 minutes for the job then I highly recommend the Bodybot fitness program - It is sure to get rid of those pounds, and who knows, maybe you'll even have fun in the process! At the very least, this is a pretty unique approach which I have not seen before. Why not read more about it and judge for yourself.
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