You need to find a gift. The zero hour is approaching and you remain clueless. The poor recipient has been reduced in your mind to a clich -male, female, young, old, walking or non-ambulatory.
The first thing you need to do is make them human again. Close your eyes and picture the person. See them talking, laughing, and in their natural environment. See them excited, telling you a story or about something that lights up their eyes. Got it? That's your first and most powerful tool.
I imagined my 81-year-old mother, telling me about all the quilts she's working on. Every time I go to visit her, she wants to drag them all out and show them to me. Personally, it doesn't rock my boat, but it certainly rocks HERS. Why haven't I included this in my 'shopping data cart' before?
Ok, next step. What do you know about this person's life? Their struggles? Is there a key value you can hone in on? Again, going back to my mother, I know she loves books and knowledge. Why? Probably because she's bright and never had the benefit of a college education. So she values learning -another HUGE clue when looking for a gift.
Next. She likes to tell stories of her "glory days". Evidently she was quite the looker when she was younger. And she still dies her hair (at 81!) so there's still some vanity left. File that data away, too.
What else? Look at the environment in which the person lives. I see my mother's house in my mind's eye. It has a lot of "show pieces". That tells me that she wants to impress other people. She puts up a good front. So anything impressive, high-quality or with status attached to it will be perfect for her.
Also, because I visit and keep my eyes and ears open, I've picked up a few other ideas along the way. I remember her saying she never can find a decent pair of scissors, and that she has a hard time finding the extra-large thimbles she uses. More data!
With all of this in mind, let's look at some of the gifts I might give her:
1.) Quilting magazine subscriptions - for inspiration and entertainment
2.) Quilt stuffing (must be the brand / type she likes) and soft solid quilt backing material bought froma quilting store with guidance from the expert there.
3.) A really good quality pair of scissors - or two or three.
4.) Books. Books on World War II, because of her age and her quest for knowledge.
5.) Large, showy ornate candlesticks and a matching clock from a museum catalog to go on her mantle.
6.) An elegant jacket or piece of jewelry she can wear / show off to her friends.
7.) Photo albums for organizing and storing memories. Come to think of it, I know she loves 'em, and never has enough.
8.) Beautiful "Thank You" cards, preferably handmade or with her initials on them.
9.) Hidden storage - like a leather ottoman or beautiful artsy / crafty hat box - for hiding her crafts when company comes over.
10.) Little things: a magnetic pin picker-upper, pin cushions, a lighted magnifier.
11.) Large text books - because of her age. Better yet, a gift certificate good for several large text books. (Yes, gift certificates are fine. They can be thoughtful and allow the recipient to make his / her own choices.)
Ok, that takes care of an 81-year-old woman who rarely leaves home. But what if all you have is young men who love electronics and sports and move a lot. Where to begin?
Same deal - imagine them in your mind's eye, telling you about something they love. I know I can get my 28-year old son to become energized anytime by asking him questions about his favorite sport - in his case, UnderWater Hockey. (Yes, it's real.)
So - water gear. A Google search yields a cool headset that plays music under water. Perfect! And an underwater camera that you can wear on your wrist. Bingo again!
He likes travel and adventure - so a carry-on suitcase that has a flap door to quickly remove your computer for security at the airport, and a Choose-Your-Own Adventure Gift certificate specific to his city.
You get the idea. The way to find a perfect gift is to know the person who will receive it. Hear Jennifer Blair speak at a retreat for Workaholics and others too busy to have a life.
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