When I was young I did not have a lot of patience, so when my co-workers complained of feeling rough because they had not slept well because of insomnia, I was not very understanding or considerate.
How the high and mighty have fallen. Now, I suffer from insomnia and sleep deprivation myself and I feel bad about the way I behaved all those years ago. Now, I understand what it feels like to suffer from sleep problems and a permanent feeling of tiredness.
Having problems sleeping is a puzzle to me. It is such a natural thing to do and all animals sleep. Why do we humans have problems sleeping? I see wildlife programs on TV and the lions all sleep after eating. I don't see them having problems with sleep so what is different about us?
The more I study insomnia the more I see sleeping problems as a peculiar human trait. Wild animals can sleep knowing they could be eaten at any time but I can't relax when I am safe in my bed. Having given a lot of thought to this I came to the conclusion that we can cope with natural worries and physical problems but it is the unnatural worries about relationships, money and work related thoughts that tend to keep us awake at night.
When you think about the thoughts that run through your head when you can't sleep it is most usually worries about money and relationships that keep your brain buzzing and prevent relaxation and sleep. We don't worry about being eaten but we do worry about a meeting we might have the next day at work. Perhaps we have our priorities wrong or maybe it is just that our minds have not developed to cope with modern life yet.
I'm convinced that the secret to natural sleep solutions is to get our priorities in perspective. The more positive a view we can take on life the happier we are and the more happy we are the better we are able to relax. So the secret to natural sleep may be to be positive and look at your achievements instead of worrying about your weaknesses.
Sleep comes easy to the happy and contented which is why the lion sleeps so well. Teach yourself to relax with positive thoughts in your mind about the good things you have done. Put worries about tomorrow out of your mind and think about those in the morning when you can do something constructive about them. Relax and sleep with the comfortable feeling that you have successfully managed to survive another day and the future will be even better.
Susan Gold has had her share of sleeping difficulties and shared her experiences with fellow sufferers and reviews some of the products available to help with natural sleep solutions She also contributes to the website about insomnia at http://www.insomniarest.com
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